Impression Teeth Whitening

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How To Whiten And Brighten Your Teeth At Home?

There are numerous factors to how the teeth become discolored and stained. It could be age, incorrect brushing, smoking, excessive intake of tea, coffee, and sometimes due to tiny cracks in the teeth. There are certain types of antibiotics that can also lead to highly visible discoloration of teeth. Whatever are the reasons for teeth discoloration, laser teeth whitening procedures can help you achieve sparkling white teeth instantly.

However, for better results it is always good to consult qualified and experienced dentists and Profession Whitening Technicians as they are able to perform the procedure using the latest products and teeth whitening technology.

Laser Teeth Whitening

Do It Yourself

If you do not have the time to keep up teeth whitening appointment with your dentist, then your best option is to buy good quality whitening products that can give you equally good results at home. There are some reputed online companies that offer variety of teeth whitening products which you can easily and safely use at home. These products are guaranteed to whiten your teeth, giving you professional results at home.

They work on several types of stains and can give offer several shades of whitening after completing the appellations. Some product comes with new built in brushes and allows you to whiten teeth individually. Our Whitening Pen is a convenient compact size product with pen like features that allows application in seconds. If you are careful enough to follow all the instructions in the manual, you will be able to see results in days.

Tips for Using the Whitening Pen

Our Teeth Whitening Pen is of high quality and can give you desired results in a matter of days eliminating strongly visible stains. You can purchase this product online for personal and clinical use. The company from where you choose to buy the products will also provide teeth whitening training to guide you on appropriate use of the product. Here are some general tips and instructions for using the Teeth Whitening Pen.

Teeth Whitening Training
Brush your teeth before applying the product. This will clear away plaque and debris deposited on the surface and between the teeth. Expel a small amount of the whitening gel to the top of the brush and apply a thin layer on to the desired teeth. Allow to sit for one minute and then rinse away. Refrain from drinking and eating for half an hour after whitening. For badly stained teeth, it is recommended to use the product twice a day.

Results and After Care

After undergoing the teeth whitening treatment, your teeth shade can brighten from 2 - fourteen shades, with an average improvement of eight shades. However, individual results will depend upon the extent of discoloration before the treatment. The effect of tooth whitening products can last for about one - two years depending upon your lifestyle, but for people who consume excessive amounts of coffee or staining beverages, tobacco products, etc should go for periodic touch up treatments.

Teeth Whitening Products
Though the procedure is not painful, yet a small percentage of users may experience minor tooth sensitivity. Therefore it is advisable to refrain from consuming very hot or cold food and drinks for at least a day following the treatment.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Get Rid Of Teeth Stains and Discoloration with Laser Treatment

It is a known fact that over the course of time, your teeth will slowly become discolored due to the food and drink that we consume. Sevier discoloration of the teeth is always harder to remove and require ongoing treatment to dramatically reduce the appearance. By visiting your dentist or whitening clinic this will be the first steps towards a greater whiter smile.

 Many Products Available

There are a large number of teeth whitening products available from medical outlets to local retail markets. Using these products will not only achieve you whiter teeth but a boost in confidents and an overall new you. Badly discolored teeth require the assistance of your dentist or professionally trained cosmetic whitening technician.

Professional office based whitening cannot suit all budgets, however with many companies offering in-house treatments this method is often more suited when budgeting. Seeking advice from your dentist or professionally trained cosmetic whitening technician is always a good way to proceed and advise can be given to which products will best suite you.

Best Results Guaranteed

Your dentist would have a wide knowledge of various products available in the market today, which include whitening toothpaste, teeth whitening lights, strips, teeth whitening gels, rinses, trays, and teeth whitening pens.

Many of these treatments can also be administrated at home, and have been proven to be very effective in removing general discoloration on the teeth. In house whitening kits with mouth tray are often a good way of achieving whiter teeth. Whitening mouth trays are to be used daily or very second day to a maximum of 14 days or as advised by your dentist.

Dentist’s Decision is Final

In the instance of Sevier discoloration, some of the above-mentioned methods may not achieve the desired results. In these cases the patients requires a more complicated and expensive method to whiten teeth; this has to be done in the clinic by your dentist and the procedure is called laser teeth whitening treatment. This professional method has been known to be the most popular methods for teeth whitening, and achieves the best results possible.

The final decision on which method is best suitable to you would depend on your dentist or professionally trained cosmetic whitening technician who will decide only after a thorough evaluation of the condition and discoloration of your teeth.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Get Shiny White Smile Back With Home-Based Treatments

A person’s smile is the first thing you see when meeting and greeting, having a dazzling white smile is something that people remember. It enhances your personality and gives the concerned individual confidence to match a beautiful smile. Keeping your teeth white and shining bright was once upon a time unaffordable and only achievable by the rich and famous. Fortunately this is a thing of the past, however there are so many teeth whitening products available today it has become difficult to separate the good from the bad products.

Research Before Making A Choice

Because of the large number of teeth whitening products available, usually over the counter, as well as procedures for teeth whitening done by Cosmetic Whitening Technicians and Dentist, choosing the best product and options available to you is all that separates an amazing result to a bad results. It is a known fact that getting teeth professionally whitened is not cheap, however with the rise in home-based treatments coming onto the market the prices for professional cosmetic whitening have dramatically lowered since 1980.

It would still be highly advisable to consult your own dentist before deciding which product to use. Your dentist would be the best person to guide you through the array of products available and also what type of concentration that would be most suitable for you. The products available include teeth whitening lights, toothpastes, strips, gels, trays, rinses, and even whitening pens.

Professional Dental Treatment Options

One of the more expensive types of teeth whitening treatments that need to be done in a clinic by your dentist or Cosmetic Whitening Technician is the laser teeth whitening. Two of the most popular methods available are the laser teeth whitening used with professional gel. The decision on which gel would be more suitable for you would depend on your dentist after examining the teeth and stains and discoloration on your teeth.

These treatment procedures are expensive however they have the advantage of being very effective and can solve your teeth staining problem in the shortest timeframe possible, due to their use of certified safe and effective whitening gels used with professional whitening light.

Good Results With Over-The-Counter Products

Among the list of treatments available which can be done at home are whitening toothpaste, strips, or brush on gels which are very effective on moderate stained teeth. Teeth whitening gels can be used in the convenience of your own home; the best in-house procedure uses a mouth tray that you fit to your teeth filled with whitening gel. The Mouth tray is to be worn daily for up to one to two weeks for the best results.These products are safe and very reasonably priced, and go on to achieve great results.

Finally it comes down to your personal preference and budget , for a little extra cost the option of office based whitening by a Dentist or Cosmetic Whitening Technician are always the professional way of achieving the best possible dazzling smile.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Brighten Stained Teeth with the Right Whitening Agent

White teeth have become a symbol of beauty with an increasing demand for that gleaning white smile. Within the past five years, teeth whitening have become the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. All whitening agents function differently and achieve completely different results, at Impression Teeth Whitening we have developed the world best whitening products by teaming together with cosmetic dentist and scientist responsible for introducing the likes of Collage whitening toothpaste and other world recognized whitening and oral hygiene product.

Use Whitening Toothpastes as Supplements

Various teeth whitening products include whitening toothpastes, whitening gels used with kits, deal with surface discolorations of the teeth however does not deliver instant deep cleaning. These toothpastes provide some degree of bleaching compared to professional whitening gels. It is advisable to consult a Trained Whitening Technician, Hygienist or Dental practitioner for guidance. If you use whitening kits assisted with light activation this will deliver better results than regular whitening toothpaste. However, avoid using these products for extended periods at a time as over whitening can lead to worn enamel.

Using Whitening Gels

Good teeth whitening gels consists of Peroxides or Sodium agents which will achieve mixed levels of results depending on the gels used. Hydrogen peroxide is the most common active ingredient in whitening products, used in gels as well as toothpastes. There are two types of peroxide, Hydrogen Peroxide and Carbamide Peroxide, Carbamide Peroxide breaks down in to hydrogen peroxide, which is the actual whitening agent that delivers active whiteness to the teeth. When you apply these gels to the teeth the peroxide penetrates direct in to the teeth breaking and dissolving stains to leave your teeth looking brighter and whiter than ever before.

Depending on which method of whitening used including which whitening agent will determine the results achieved and how fast it will take to achieve your desired whiteness. For instant whitening in a day you have the option for office whitening using professional gels and professional whitening acceleration lights, alternatively you have in-house whitening using take home kits in pens or trays. Using in-house whitening products it is important not to keep the gels applied to the teeth for to long intervals at a time as doing so will result in sensitivity or irritation to the teeth and gums. It is always best to consult your Dentist, Hygienist or Whitening Technician before undergoing any whitening.

Laser Whitening -- Get Instant Results

The fastest way to sparkling whites is Laser teeth whitening, its the most popular solution because in just one single one hour treatment it delivers results which literally make your teeth 14 times whiter. This procedure instantly removes stains that have penetrated in to the teeth over the years. With this method ranging from £100 - £500 in cost many opt for this to achieve better long-lasting whiteness in rapid time. The results can last up to 1 to 2 years, depending on your eating and smoking habits.

Discuss your cosmetic whitening needs with a specialist as different people have different sensitivity levels and only specialist can advise on which product will best suit you. You don’t have to suffer with discolored teeth when there are plenty of teeth whitening products and solutions which will bring back that confidence with a stunning smile wherever you go.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Buy Useful Teeth Whitening Products for Use at Home or Clinic

The teeth whitening industry has rapidly expanded since the 1980s, in fact amongst all cosmetic procedures around the world Cosmetic Teeth Whitening is the most desirable with its competitive price availability. Teeth whitening products are now easily purchased online with a large selection on offer, At Impression we have only produce the desirable and effective whitening products that guarantee results.

Teeth Whitening Products

Impression Teeth whitening products are used not only by world dentist but packaged for consumers looking for a good take home product. Impression offers the Teeth Whitening Pen amongst many with its very easy application. The Impression Teeth Whitening Pen is administrated once a day or every second day for only 1-2 minutes and achieves great results without the need of trays. It’s a simply method of whitening which can be used on the go.

Don’t be fooled by the short treatment time of the Impression Teeth Whitening pen it’s designed for fast impact whitening which will gently remove surface stains caused by tea, coffee, tobacco and general discoloration of your teeth.

Simply brush on and rinse away. Other useful products include the Teeth Whitening kits which come with mouth trays and mini LED light.

Should you fancy trying your hands at becoming a qualified whitening technician then look no further, Impression are able to provide a package that will do just that. With the Impression package we will offer a full recognized qualification in Cosmetic Teeth Whitening including equipment from, Eye protectors, Whitening laser lights, 3D Teeth Guide, Curing Light and much more.

Teeth Whitening Gels

Achieving sparkling white teeth is not so difficult today with our advanced patented professional teeth whitening gels available from various partners around the world. It’s always best to consult your dentist or by calling us or one of our stockiest direct before purchasing our range of professional whitening gels. Identifying which gel will work best for you and your client is a must in reducing sensitivity and achieving the best possible results.

Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser teeth whitening can ONLY be performed by a dental professional and trained Cosmetic Whitening Technicians, You will undergo a consultation which will be based on a series of questions including a visual check to determine whether or not you can undergo the whitening treatment. Once you are given the all clear, you will undergo 3 x 15 minutes of whitening acceleration. Depending on the individual a gel that will more suit you will be picked.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Make Your Teeth Sparkling By Teeth Whitening Gels & Other Products

How do you define a perfect smile? Someone with perfect teeth can definitely give out a perfect smile, and white teeth will always make any smile better. We all want to achieve that Hollywood smile wherein teeth seem to sparkle every time we flash out those pearly white teeth. Consumers are now extra conscious when it comes to maintaining a set of good teeth thanks to those celebrity smiles we see on television and in our favorite magazines.

What causes teeth stains? An intake of food, drink, and use of products such as tobacco that cause discoloration in the teeth including poor oral hygiene. Teeth also get discolored naturally as we age which is why it is important to know which solution will work best. The teeth whitening craze has resulted to a lot more options to achieve that pearly white smile.

Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser teeth whitening could be considered as the most common and quick way to get your teeth whitened. It’s not only painless, but it also gives you instant results. Before the treatment is started, all patients will have to undergo a screening process to determine the gravity of teeth discoloration and if the patient will have to undergo an alternative option.

After the initial screening process, the teeth have to be cleaned and cavities have to be filled. This is done since the whitening solution could penetrate into cavities and could lead to a bigger problem. After the cleaning procedure, dentists will apply the solution to the teeth before it is exposed to the laser.

Laser teeth whitening are not permanent, and teeth can be stained again after a few months to a year. You will need to undergo follow up sessions to ensure that you maintain that pearly white smile.

Teeth Whitening Gels

Compared to laser whitening, teeth whitening gels are more of a home remedy. You can apply them directly on the teeth or for more effective and even coating, use dental trays. Your dentist depending on the exact shape of your mouth can personalize dental trays. It can easily be applied at home, but instructions on how to put them and how long they should be placed on your teeth are highly important. How long and how often you will use whitening gels will depend on your teeth’s level of discoloration. Always ask your dentist on advice regarding the use of whitening gels. Prolonged use may make your teeth extra sensitive, while using them for short periods of time can also prove ineffective.

Other Teeth Whitening Products

Crooked and chipped teeth are just not acceptable anymore. There are so many ways to whiten your teeth, and Impression Teeth Whitening has a variety of teeth whitening products to choose from.There are other affordable whitening options that may not have instant effects but provide a long and gradual process to achieve the desired results for examples teeth whitening toothpastes, which are regular toothpastes with added whitening properties.

With any whitening treatment available, you can only achieve color to the natural color of the teeth by removing the years of surface stains that have stained your teeth. To achieve a color beyond the natural color of your teeth you will have to consider veneers and caps, which can be colored beyond the natural color of your teeth.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Teeth Whitening Products and Gels For Laser Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening is a safe to brighten your smile. There are several alternatives available, from simple teeth whitening products to specialized treatment at your dentist. Whitening pens and gels purchased over-the-counter are relatively affordable and provide good results.

Laser Teeth Whitening

The use of laser for teeth is relatively new; a wavelength of laser light is used for this unique procedure. The light is well targeted while it interacts with the tissues. It is very effective and the results are stunning, that is why; although it’s quite expensive, it is becoming very popular. When you seek medical help, the dentist will evaluate your gum condition before deciding on the best procedure. This is because concentrated solutions are used in the whitening process.

The first stage for laser teeth whitening involves a thorough cleaning of your teeth which is called scaling. The tartar and the stains on your teeth surface are removed with scaling. A photograph of the teeth is taken in order to record its shade. Protective gel is applied on your gums to harden it.

It is then shielded from the chemical solution by covering it well with cotton rolls. A good cheek retractor is appropriately placed to avoid the cheeks touching the teeth. A suitable protective material that can separate the lips and gums is also used.

Laser Teeth Whitening

The peroxide solution combined with the whitening gel is applied to the surface of the teeth and the laser light is focused on it. This results in eliminating the pigment build-up. The laser light is exposed on the teeth for about 15 minutes after which the gel is replaced by a fresh coat and the process is repeated. The result is brilliantly white teeth, 10 times brighter than your original shade.

Teeth Whitening Products

You can whiten teeth on your own by using teeth whitening products available in most pharmacies. Whitening toothpastes are suitable only for teeth with mild surface stains. Some of them contain gentle chemical agents that will have a better effect. However, toothpastes do not have bleach; hence only one shade of whitening is possible. Very thin strips coated with peroxide-based gel can be used to whiten teeth.

Teeth Whitening Products

This has to be applied for half-an- hour for a fortnight; the results are good and will last for not less than 4 months. Whitening rinse is relatively new; it reduces gum disease, dental plaque and gives a fresh breath. Manufacturers claim favourable results with its use for 3 months. Tray-based whiteners involve filling a tray similar to a mouth-guard with a gel. This has to be worn for four weeks or more according to the discolouration.

Tips about Teeth Whitening Gels

While purchasing teeth whitening gels, you have to be careful to get the right product. Often, one product may be good for an individual but not for another. Therefore, the right product may be obtained only after a few trials. Instructions on the packaging should be carefully followed.

Teeth Whitening Gels

In order to maintain the whiteness, you have to avoid beverages such as tea, coffee and sodas and also quit smoking. Proper oral hygiene and a good mouth rinse will keep your teeth clean and white. Whitening products with a whitening gel cannot be used by lactating and pregnant women.